Friday, April 10, 2009

V-Set Value Club(VVC)

V-Set Value Clubs (VVC) are formed in schools with a view to kindle humaneness in students so that they can be successful in their lives and at the same time be conscious of and do whatever they can for all.
· Schools are requested to allot one period for a particular set of students (preferably from 7th to 9th standard) once a week according to their convenience.
· A series of topics which kindle humaneness as well as topics which prevent humaneness from flowering are discussed.
· When done on a sustained basis, a deeper understanding and awareness arises in the minds of students.
· Each session is handled in a free flow allowing for spontaneity by adopting a facilitation mode rather than a teaching mode. This provides an opportunity for students to express themselves too.
· A selected topic could extend sometimes to two or three weeks depending on the enthusiasm of students.
Facilitation methodology
· Objective of the topic - briefing about the topic - why the topic is taken up.
· Stories or incidents relevant to topic
· Quotes relevant to topic for oratory
· Paper cutting/current news in relation to topic/visuals, if available
· Small role play, wherever necessary
· Exercise on the topic – to collect stories or create small role plays or anything relevant to topic.
· Views of students shared during the program and oral or written feedback obtained from students on the central theme
· Students share their own real life incidents on the theme
· Where possible students queries are interchanged amongst them so as to make each student think about the others
Approach to facilitation
While facilitating the programs, it would be helpful to bear these points in mind:
· Every student has values.
· Value education is not a new subject to anyone.
· Every school or teacher is already doing something on this subject.
· Most schools have a value or moral education period (perhaps, in some cases,

it may not be effective if due importance is not given).
· Many teachers too try different methods to kindle values in students – in fact, many ideas for facilitation come from teachers.
Ideas on topics for VVC
Individual level:
1. Positive attitude

2. Strength is life
3. You can win etc.
Relationship level:
1. Emotional Health
2. Managing Anger
3. Sweetness of forgiveness etc.
Social level:
1. Not I but We
2. Expanding love circle
3. Caring and sharing etc.
Nature level:
1. Our life and five elements
2. Interdepandace
3. Tree friends etc.
Universal level:
1. Peace and joy
2. Collective happiness and harmony
3. Love for all etc.
The response to this program is overwhelming. As more and more programs are facilitated, several new ideas emerge, and when they become a way of life, further topics automatically evolve for further programs. Schools can take up this idea of forming Value Clubs by bringing in volunteers, counsellors or teacher-volunteers for the purpose of sustained interaction with students. Where necessary, V-Set is willing to provide inputs in forming Value Clubs in Schools.

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