V-Set Chennai is an initiative of V-Set Value Park, Wayanad, aims to kindle humaneness in youth and brings a renaissance through the unfoldment of human values. For details visit www.vset.org.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Rescuing Hug
The Rescuing Hug – The power of loving touch
This is a picture from an article called "The Rescuing Hug". The article details the first week of life of a set of twins, Kyrie (red dot) and Brielle (blue dot).
Apparently, each was in their respective incubators, and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby's heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal.
They both survived, and are thriving, in fact, the two girls went home to share a crib, and still snuggle. The twins are happy kindergartners now. The hospital changed their policy after they saw the effect of putting the two girls together, and now they bed multiples together.
Let us not forget to embrace those whom we love and never underestimate the power of a hug! Hug someone today !
V-Set Tiny Ripples
V-Set Tiny Ripples Project is a collaborative effort to bring harmony and joy in the lives of individuals, especially students.
The Project aims to:
1. To kindle humaneness in students
2. To awaken and make him understand the strengths and inner potentialities of students to face the challenges of life
3. To facilitate holistic development of the personality
Make a difference like tiny ripples:
² Many Tiny Ripples Create a Sea Change. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.
² Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or work for peace, he or she sends forth tiny ripples of hope. And crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
² We may not make too many big splashes, but there are a few tiny ripples that we make from our own places which can make a difference in the lives of many. Each and every one of us has a role to play in our society individually and collectively. Let us use of strengths and make a tiny ripple in our society.
Suggestion for Implementation:
Approach few schools in your locality. Initiate V-Set classes in schools preferably for standards VII, VIII & IX.
Visit schools weekly once or twice at a mutually convenient time on a regular basis and name the school program as ‘V-Set Value Club’ and take classes on life skills topics.
The Program would cover the topics like Managing Anger, Facing Insult, Patience Pays, Be fair to others etc.
Collect positive incidents/inspiring news clippings from News Paper/magazines you come across on regular basis so that it can be shared with students.
Involve friends and inspire them to take up similar initiative from their respective places
If you have your own organizational set up, you can initiate this ‘V-Set Tiny Ripple Project’ under your organizational banner.
The Program will be on a non-academic fashion and involves no preaching or teaching. The role of the person who takes classes in schools is ‘Facilitator’ who facilitates the topic.
V-Set also shares its experiences for Teachers, Parents Meet programs.
V-Set would provide necessary training on Program facilitation.
The following table illustrates the Values which can be emphasized in your school on every month through out the academic year.
Month | Key Values | Std VI | Std VII | Std VIII | Std IX | Std X | Std XI | Std XII |
June | Kindness | Politeness | Gentleness | Good Manners | Compassion | Empathy | Acts of Kindness | Thoughtfulness |
July | Integrity | Truthfulness | Faithfulness | Honesty | Listening | Assertiveness | Commitment | Loyalty |
August | Confidence | Perseverance | Determination | Concentration | Hard work | Courage | Persistence | Flexibility |
September | Sharing | Friendliness | Sensitivity | Understanding | Gratefulness | Generosity | Consideration | Ready to Serve |
October | Humaneness | Managing Anger | Facing Insult | Count your blessings | Mind your words | Unselfishness | Contented Mind | Emotional Health |
November | Co-operation | Patience | Trusting | Team Spirit | Forgive and Forget | Appreciation | Right Intension | Tact |
December | Non-Violence | Self-control | Benevolence | Peacefulness | Citizenship | Moderation | Respect | Making Right Choices |
January | Optimism | Cheerfulness | Creativity | Learning Attitude | Positive Attitude | Attentiveness | Enthusiasm | Leadership |
February | Discipline | Orderliness | Cleanliness | Punctuality | Responsibility | Civic Sense | Humility | Helpfulness |
March | Universal love | Love for Animals | Love for Nature | Love for Country | Love for Universe | Daily Good Deeds | Collecting Good News | Expanding Love Circle |
1. V-Set Value Month program facilitates schools to take up each of the value every month for discussion and practice.
2. The implementation of values in the school will be effective if it can be discussed by all the teachers in all the periods for a few minutes apart from special focus.
3. By implementing Value Month Program schools will be free from negative influences and violent behaviours.
4. V-Set is happy to share its experiences on Value Month if contacted through e-mail: chennai@vset.org

² Man making process involves ‘Igniting Minds’ while simultaneously ‘Kindling Humaneness’. V-Set’s focus is on the latter.
² Facilitate ‘Value Club’ Programme in responsive schools with a view to kindle the latent humaneness in students. Schools are requested to allot one period for particular set of students (preferably VII to IX Std) once in a week according to their convenience. A deep understanding and awareness arises in the minds of students when we focus on series of topics on Life Skills. The facilitation will be interactive, non-academic and fully flow with the prevailing situation. Presently, V-Set is conducting this program in 20 schools in North Chennai.
² Facilitate ‘Upadhyaya Sangamam’ (U-S – Teachers’ Meets) where an interactive module on how values can be integrated with each and every subject in a non-academic fashion is discussed. The Program also inspires to teachers to discover their inner strengths.
² Facilitate ‘Drawing your kind attention’ an interactive module for Parents Meet. Also suggests schools to form PSG(Parent Support Group).
² Facilitate Value Month Programme in schools.
² Provide schools Human Values Chart, Value Month Chart, Good Manners Chart and Parent Support Group(PSG) Charts
² V-Set Narpanbu Kalvi Maiyam(VNKM) tutition centres in two places.
² Sending Positive actions regularly by e-mail on Humane Moments and Learning Moments
² Forge tie-ups with other service organizations in the field to spread the message of humaneness across various places and segments of the society.